100% Satisfaction Guarantee

At Springbok Puzzles we know each and every purchase is special, whether it's your next challenging puzzle or a gift for someone special. That's why we make the complete satisfaction of every customer our number one priority.
We stand behind your purchase because we believe in the quality of Springbok Puzzles, and we want to maintain a long, happy relationship with everyone who shops with us. If a Springbok puzzle fails to meet your expectations, we want to know. And if your puzzle is defective in any way, or simply did not come with all of the pieces, we'll replace it at no extra charge.
We want to ensure you are absolutely delighted with our products. You have our word that we'll provide reliable quality and a commitment to service like no one else. Happy puzzling!
Defective Product
Springbok Puzzles takes great pride in the workmanship of our puzzles and the fact that they are produced 100% in the United States of America. This is why your personal satisfaction is our number one priority. We stand behind our products because we believe in the quality and workmanship of our puzzles, and we want to maintain a long, happy relationship with our customers. Our Customer Service staff will provide reliable, timely service so that we may ensure a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee.
If you experience a defect of material or workmanship with the puzzle, we will replace the same puzzle as long as it is a current in-stock item. We value all of our loyal Springbok customers, and wish to convey our sincere apology for the difficulty you may have experienced with your puzzle. Please follow the instructions below to receive a replacement puzzle.
Please email the following information to info@springbok-puzzles.com
- The name of the puzzle
- The product code located next to the UPC bar code (ex: 33-15492)
- The stamp lot # and date. To locate, please remove the lid from the base of the box and look along the side.
- Where the puzzle was purchased.
- Your complete mailing address. Springbok is located in the United States. At this time we only offer shipping to the continental United States and Canada.
- An image of the defective puzzle (pieces)
List of Approved Online Sellers
- LaToys Etcetera
- GoCalendars
- Brookstone
- Puzzle Warehouse
- Herrschners Crafts
- US Flag Store
- Prestige Puzzles
- Serious Puzzles